hello & welcome 2 my little personal slice of the big fruity pie that is the world wide web, named after my favorite dolls ^_^!!

About The Love Monkeys

Monchhichi, often misspelled as Monchichi, is a Japanese monkey doll made by Yoshiharu Washino for the famous doll company, Sekiguchi. They were first released on January 25th, 1974, as an update to the successful “Kuta Kuta Monkey”, and also to inspire respect and love in both children and adults (Hence the nickname “Love Monkey” :D). The name Monchhichi is a combination of “Mon”, French for mine or my, and “Chhichi”, the Japanese onomatopoeia for the sound of a baby sucking a pacifier, which ends up sounding similar to “monkey”. Their name relates to one of their key features because they are actually designed to suck their thumbs, or in more recent versions (this change happened in 1980), a pacifier in their hands! Another staple for them is their bibs, which are commonly red and have Monchhichi written on them.

(i will continue later & write about international releases, the tv shows, the jingle, common renditions, monchhichi’s good friends, and my personal attachment to them :3 Also please lmk in my guestbook if its okay and easy to read on this background, it may not be & ill put a different background under this part!!)

this site was last updated on aug 3 2023


about the webmaster
resources + graphics for friends
my dolls + little guys
sotce shrine + collection

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